Monday, March 30, 2009

What Was That Loud Boom?

It was about 9:45PM EDT last night (Sunday March 30th). Suddently, my wife and I were startled by a loud boom/explosion that, literally, shook the house. I looked around and saw no damage. I heard no sirens so I thought it must have been something at one of the bases or just alot of wind. Then I came in here this morning and Jimmy Ray and Jen are talking about it - wondering what it was. Supposedly, the National Weather Service is checking into it. There were reports of sightings of a flash, then a fireball and THEN, a few minutes later, the boom/explosion sound. That tells me, whatever it was, that it was fairly distant from us. Regardless, THAT was rather unnerving. Are there aliens among us? What do you think?

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