Sunday, April 6, 2008

What's Really Important

Okay, so did I mention I went on a family vacation.......lately???? It's been a week since we returned from the "wiles" of the Northeast but, I will tell you, I feel a bit different than before I left. It was the longest vacation I had taken in about 30 years (a Friday to a following Sunday) and I spent it entirely with family. No Jimmy Ray......:).......just me, the wife and the little one. We visited my Dad, my grown daughter and her family (see blog of March 29th) and then, New York City. Not once did I worry about my job, the Eagle, the rest of the radio stations.......anything like that! Instead I found myself immersed in family. I got to see two little boys experience the of joy of discovery each new day brings. I got to spend a little time with a man in the twilight of his life who still embraces each day as he did when I was growing up. I saw two people work the hardest they ever have but enjoy every minute of it. Most of all, I got to know, just a little bit more, the two women with whom I live. My wife, who sees the best in everyone and everything...EVERYDAY!!!.....and my little 9-year old daughter, who learned all she could during our latest "adventure". On top of that, after a visit to "Ground Zero", I saw a country embracing the future by learning from the past. So......why do I mention all of this???.....because it has all stuck with me. I see myself looking more for the best in everyone, no matter what they do. I find that little things that used to bother me...suddenly don't. Most of all, I see , now, that the best part of the day is the time spent with those two women with whom I live. It's never too late. Enjoy your friends and family every day. Stay in touch. CARE!!!! Remember - when it's all over, no one judges....and I mean NO ONE.....the time you spent at work.

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