Monday, July 12, 2010

No One Is THAT Important

Now that it's four days after "The Decision", I have digested all that's happened in Miami, Cleveland and points in between. Of course, it may be contradictory if I did admit that I did watch Lebron James one-hour ESPN special, especially, after I reveal my feelings about this whole situation. I guess I would have had to seen something in order to have any opinion, don't you think?
I watched as a man turned away from his home area because, as he said, he wants to win multiple championships. Who knows if that will happen? Only time will tell, of course, and, when I bring up the names of Larry Bird, Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant (all of whom had opportunities to leave their original team and didn't), you see the deck is stacked against Lebron.
Over and above all of that is how I saw this man, literally, lose sight of himself as this story unfolded. His "handlers" (as we learned) approached ESPN about the 1-hour special. He handpicked (and paid) the so-called "journalist" doing the interview - a man I thought had LOTS more scruples than this - Jim Gray. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with the decision the man made. I am flabbergasted by the manner in which he did it! Lebron James lost sight of where received his talent to play basketball. He lost sight of what's most important to HIM! To top it all off, 13,000 screaming fans fueled his "self-centerdness" the next day at a "rally" in Miami.
Is anyone really this important? In my lifetime, I know of only one and He IS the One! Hopefully, some day, before it's too late, Lebron James will realize this.

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