Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wrong Place Wrong Time

Now, the holes in Michael Vick's story about his birthday party last weekend begin to surface. Whether they are real "holes" or not, remains to be seen BUT it is obvious this man STILL hasn't learned. Why would you put yourself in a position to be in public at a party with hundreds of people you do or do not know? I noticed they charged $50 a ticket to get in to the party. What they didn't do is screen every guest so anyone, with the money, could get in. And that means "anyone"! What were Michael and his "advisors" thinking? This has nothing to do with his involvement in the situation there or not. It is more to do with thinking through everything he is doing. His livelihood is at stake here. I'm sure if it were you or I, we may be thinking twice (or three times) about putting our jobs in jeopardy. There is no second chance for this man and I have a feeling this thing is about to blow up - justifiably or not. We can only hope that this is a close call for the man and he learns that this whole "party" thing is not a good idea.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, some people NEVER learn from their mistakes! They believe the "rules" don't apply to them.

Anonymous said...

Damn shame