Friday, July 30, 2010

You Want Me Out fo Danger But You Still Want Pictures

Late last afternoon and night (7/29), we had some horrendous storms in the Hampton Roads area - several tornado warnings, flash floods, big thunderstorms with lots of was, as the paper said this morning a "Super Soaker". Of course, we provided some coverage of it, with our limited staff, on our radio stations. I monitored the TV stations so we could get a feel for the storm from the various meteorologists. During this whole process, one thing struck me. Here we were, in the midst of several tornado warnings, and they're telling us to take cover, yet, in the same breath, they ask for us to send any pictures in that we might have taken. I'm trying to wrap my arms around that one. Go to cover but make sure you peak out and send us some of what's happening outside near you. I actually saw one home-made video of someone walking in the rain, wind, etc., IN A HALF OF A FOOT OF WATER while the warning was still on!!!! Then, they showed a reporter knee deep in another flooded area as she walked through it. As THAT report ended, they wondered aloud why so many people were out. Ya think?
Wouldn't be a good idea to recommend cover and then, when the storm subsides, THEN, ask for the pictures and video? I really believe they are sending mixed signals in an attempt to get eyewitness accounts. I'm in favor of sacrificing sensationalism for bit in the name of safety. How about you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

John I could not agree with you more!!!
Danger Danger but while we tell you about the Danger don't be a stranger take a few pic's or video and that will help us a lot.. yeah give them another story to do!!!
Sorry just had to go there.
Thanks for the update!