Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Since When Is Age a Problem?

Yesterday I happened across an article in of our industry trade magazines from a well-know industry researcher who said that we need younger people in our business and need tom move out the "old guard", so to speak. Of course, being a part of the supposed "old guard", this article got my attention. First thing I thought (a colleague of mine recognized this, too) was that I wonder if someone, in any other business, had mentioned this, there would be lawsuits flying all over the place.
After I got past that, I began to think of my younger days and how I was told I didn't have enough experience; that I was too young to be in a responsible position in the industry. "Get more experience!" - that was the mantra.
Well, I have plenty of it these days and now there is someone out there saying that I have too much and that I can't relate to anyone under 30. Maybe this is a case of "what goes around, comes around", since it was our generation that told everyone not to trust anyone over 30. In reality, I think it's an excuse. Fresh ideas come from all ages not just anyone UNDER 30. The excuse is being made for those large, highly-leverage companies who, in some ways, have homogenized our industry.....and not all of these folks are from my generation - as a matter of fact, a good percentage of them of are from the generation after me. They have been too careful, too calculating and too conservative with a medium that has thrived on creativity.
So, instead of calling for a youth movement, how about a CREATIVE movement? Let's be entertainers, not bean counters. That takes creativity and fresh ideas and has NOTHING to do with age.


Kalamazoo Mom of 2 said...

At your age, it's not a good idea to get so worked up, so early.

Take it easy.

Jim Acres said...

Non-creative type people, control freaks, politically correct Zombies, self-righteous far left demigods beware! While you were out spreading your unique, self- centered bullshit demanding that the world owes you a living, the rest of us put in a call to Santa!
Boy, is he angry at you! Get ready for a giant coal plant in your old Christmas Sock! Your mind set is cast in concrete!
Get your feet off the necks of the people who work and put up with your massive complaining and posturing about nothing. I, for one, owe you a word of thanks. I have been diagnosed with an illness that could kill me. You motivate me to get back in the saddle and ride. Thank you for that!
My wonderful PW High School Buddy John and I are the same age. If you really want to see the creative fur fly, just tell us that we are too old. Tell us that we would be better off dying and decrease the surplus population. In fact, we are the ones who make life worthwhile on the planet. You are just along for the ride. Get in line and shut up ... or we'll hit "CONTROL< ALT< DELETE and ... you are history.

NO MORE BOZO'S ON THE BUS! Sometimes anger can be a good thing. If you gave enough of these people power, they'd soil themselves. JMA in Oregon

John Shomby - a/ka "Jombi" said...

Well said, James!!!!