Thursday, April 16, 2009

Change Is Definitely Here

The times they are a changin'. Bob Dylan sang it way back in the 60's but it might as well apply today. I'm not talking about the "change" promised by our new President. We won't know if that even will happen for another two or three years. I'm talking about how our lives are changing right now and I think for the better. With less money in our pockets (and less jobs for some of us), we are finding alternate means of entertainment and recreation and it's getting us closer to our loved ones - family and friends. I also notice that people seem to have a genuine concern about each other's well-being. I've seen more generosity over the past 6 months than I had witnessed in the 6 years before that. We're all going through this patch of roughness together so everyone can empathize. Let's not EVER forget this period in our lives for that reason alone!

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