Monday, January 12, 2009

A Lesson in Salesmanship

I bet you thought this blog would be about my Philadelphia Eagles beating the New York Giants. Well, even though I am ecstatic about that, I have to share something you concerning my always-surprising 10-year old. Last Saturday was the first official day she was permitted to sell Girl Scout Cookies. So, she got her mother going at around 9am and was ready to hit the neighborhood and go door-to-door. No nervousness, no qualms....and a goal, that she set, of 100 boxes sold by the end of the day. Now, understand that she only knows, maybe 5 or 6 of the neighbors in this very large neighborhood. After the first hour, she hadn't done much and was a bit disappointed but pressed on. (Through all of this, she would not let her mother approach any door. Mom had to stay at the end of each driveaway or sidewalk. She was doing the "cold calling" all by herself.) The two of them came back to eat lunch a little after noon and then went out again for another two and a half hours. After it was all said and done, she had sold 101 boxes. 101 BOXES!!! Two people, who had turned her down earlier in the day, actually went out looking for her (and found her) because they were so impressed by her politeness and knowledge of the products. Think about that - 101 boxes in 5 hours. I'm not just being a proud father. This little one showed me that we each should always set higher expectations for our own accomplishments. She did and SHE DID!
Should be a lesson to all of us.

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