Friday, January 16, 2009

Hug Your Child EVERYDAY

I am here in Memphis, Tennessee for the annual Country Cares, St. Jude Radiothon Seminar. Every year I come to see what new things have been developed at the hospital and, of course, to exchange radiothon ideas with other radio folk. The first day of the seminar always includes a tour of the hospital facilities. This year was no exception. Also, no exception, was the fact that, once again, as I walked through the main hospital, I saw child after child, family after family, with the look of hope. Every year, without exception, one child always strikes my heart harder than any other. This year it was a boy, I would say about 9 or 10, whom I noticed coming into the hospital lobby in crutches. He had the shaved head from radiation and/or chemotherapy. He was on crutches because it appeared the bottom portion of his right leg had been amputated. His parents were right behind him with that look of hope on their face. His eyes met mine just for about 2 or 3 seconds, when he walked by, but long enough for me to notice his look. From that look, I could see that he wanted help...he wanted some assurance tha he would be okay. I could tell that this amputation was fairly recent. Who knows what caused it or what is wrong with him (confidentiality keeps us from asking and the hospital from telling). All I know is that little fellow is confused about his future which strengthened my resolve, more than ever, to ask for your help again this year during our St. Jude Country Cares Radiothon later this month. It also, once again, made me so thankful for two healthy daughters and three healthy, strong grandchildren. If I could hug my grown daughter and those 3 grandchildren right now, I would and would never let go. If I could hug my 10-year old daughter right now, I would and would never let go. I'm in Memphis right now and I plan to do that the minute I see all of them. Do me a favor...if your children are near you right now, just give them a hug for me and thank God for their health and happiness every day.

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