Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Putting Up Christmas Decorations

How much I've learned since my bride and I got together 3 years ago!!!! Especially around Christmas time.........especially, when it comes to decorations and pictures. We, of course, wanted to put together our usual picture of the little one for our Christmas card. The little one is about over getting dressed up (as she puts it "in a scratchy dress") and posing in front of a tree. So, I had this idea that we take a picture outside with the little one and our dog - and, hey, put Santa hats on them. After that suggestion, I get the "um" answer. (For you single guys, "um" translates to "no way"). Then, of course, the pictures were all bad (I thought some were good but, again, the "um" answer to my suggestions).
What did I learn from this? Step away. Be an "employee' and do what you're told. I did and the second set of pictures were perfect........to the right person, of course! Next comes putting up outside lights. That will be a whole 'nother blog, of course.
Merry Christmas!

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