Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ways to Save Money

We are all working on ways to make our dollar go alot further. Thank you to the oil companies for lowering those prices. At $1.79 a gallon in one place, I don't think that's an issue right now. With the holidays coming up, we have lots to think about when it comes to spending....and saving money. Things like turning off our computer when it's not in use. Turning lights out when a room isn't in use. Keeping the heater about 5 degrees lower than last year. Buying generic items rather than brand names at the grocery store (look at the ingredients - about 95% of the time, they are the same). I'd love for you to share some of your ideas with me. That's the start for us. I know there are lots more so help us all out. Look forward to hearing from you.

1 comment:

Stephanie Taylor said...

Coupon new favorite hobby :) 2 great and list all the best deals for the week.