Monday, December 8, 2008


Can someone please tell me who invented the "icicle" outdoor lights? Had to be someone with a sense of humor. On top of that, I found out, the hard way, that you can only light 3 sets of connected lights. We have a long house.....okay so I had 6 sets of 3 spanning the house, garage and the side. By my calculation, I would have had 6 extension chords hanging down from the house. My wife was so no NOT into that decorative idea. So - what I thought would take an hour or two...took two days. I had to take the lights over the garage and the side of the house down. Considering the landscaping we have in the front of the house, my neighbors must have had their camcorders out watching me go up and down that ladder.
Ok - finally yesterday, I finished the job......then one set of lights didn't work....had to go back up and take down that set and move another one (and, yes, I did check them before I hung them). Then I finished....using only two extension chords and finally past the wife inspection last night. She likes them. Merry Christmas everyone!

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