Saturday, March 29, 2008

Back from Vacation

Just got back from a week long family vacation to see family and then take the little one to see New York City. That city is fascinating. Just walk the streets of New York for one day and you can realy feel how insignificant you are to everyone else - of course, it also puts things in perspective. You see how many other folks have bigger problems......speaking of which......some of you may know that I have a grown daughter, a terrific son-in-law and three fabulous grandchildren (they just added twin boys - see my MySpace phot section). Although my wife and I helped a bit, those two (my daughter and son-in-law) spend every waking hour, and then some, taking care of those 7-month old my son-in-law works all day and my daughter works the Chanel counter at a local Macy's at night. They, hardly, see each other, yet they are always smiling.....they are struggling financially, yet they say they wouldn't trade lives with anyone because of those kids (who are just adorable!!!). They sleep an average of about 2-3 hours per day/night...yet they are alert and awake tackling each day as if it were their last.. After spending three days with them during this vacation, I now have two new heroes at the top of my list - Nick and Chrissy, my son-in-law and daughter. For those of us who complain about the traffic....the weather...or even how often a song plays on the radio......put yourself in these two kids' shoes for one'll never complain again. Believe me, that's how I feel right now and will for quite some time. If I had a million dollars, I would give them the bulk of it. They deserve better than they are getting but to see them you'd think they already have it. Thus - my vacation was one of the most rewarding I've taken in quite some time. Two new heroes of whom I couldn't be prouder.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good stuff there Shomby...Hope you're well, Why don't we have the 32nd anniversary of 98Q this year....Might as well keep it on prime numbers if possible. Actually going to another raido reunion in May for WSFL in New Bern, NC. Wasn't even close to being as fun as working at the Q...

Scott Kerr