Sunday, December 12, 2010

Less Christmas Cards Than Ever

Call me old-fashioned....old school...whatever...but I miss that glut of Christmas Cards that would have arrived by now during past Christmas seasons. Because, now, we have instant ways of being in contact (see Facebook and Twitter), the idea of sending a greeting card is slowly, but surely, disappearing (an actual study has the statistics to prove this!). And, no, I don't count those "E-Cards", either. That, to me, is a second-rate way of letting someone know you were thinking of them. What that tells me is that you WERE thinking of them.....for about 10 enough to send a card via e-mail and then you can move on to the next thing in your life. An actual, MAILED, greeting card means that person took some time and effort to find and send something to you to express his/her feelings to you - even if they may be superficial. It's the fact that they made the effort. That means least it does to me. Let's not let go of all of the old holiday traditions. This is the season to give thanks and appreciate all that you have and all who may be close to you. Let's take the time......send a card! And....yes...Merry Christmas!


Joe said...

I agree, what's your address? I'll send you an actual Christmas card from my new side business,

Merry Christmas, John. Hope you and your family are doing well.

Tote said...

I totally agree with you John. We use to get so many Christmas cards, but it has dropped off considerably. I love getting cards! Wishing you and your family an awesome Holiday!