Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Movies - Best and Worst

I know that most of these have something profound to say but, right now, I'm in one of those "holiday" moods. You know........just want to drift and think of simple my best and worst Christmas movies.
Let me get the worst out of the way first. Starting my top 5 would have to be "Santa Claus - The Movie" starring Dudley Moore. It was billed as a Christmas blockbuster back in the early 80's wih its effects, etc. Well.......what a bomb. Dudley Moore as the elf who saves Christmas. Imagine that!
At number 4, Deck the Halls with Danny DeVito and Matthew Broderick......need I say more with that combination in the same movie. At #3, Jingle All the least now, Arnold has something else to do. #2....Bad Santa - Billy Bob Thornton as Santa.....Yikes!!....I figure any Santa movie that you can't show to kids has to be on this list! And my number one worst Christmas movie is pretty recent...the infamous "Fred Claus" with Vince Vaughan, who, I think, somewhat redeems himself in Four Christmas's, by the way.
Now, on to my favorites.....I have alot that could have made this but I'll just give my top #5, Scrooged....Bill Murray's monologue about Christmas Eve is worth the whole #4....The Christmas Story...even though we will see this, ad nauseum, on TBS, it still captures so well what goes though a young boy's mind at Christmas time. And tell me you still don't howl at the "leg" lamp. #3 is probably in everyone's top 5 - "It's a Wonderful Life"....for obvious reasons.......#2, and this was close..."National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" many good scenes and lines in this favorite is when Clark's feet go through the ceiling while he was in the attic. Watching him trying to get warm from the air of the house was hilarious! And....(drum roll) #1 Christmas movie of all time is a pretty recent one but it's one that always brings out the "kid" in me every Christmas - Polar Express....which contains one of the all time great Christmas songs in Josh Groban's "Believe".
Yes, there are those that almost made it.....Tim Allen's "The Santa Clause"...or his one with Jamie Lee Curtis "Christmas with the Kranks"..the ORIGINAL "Miracle on 34th Street"...."Home Alone" (the first one"....David Stern steals the movie, in my opinion as Joe Pesci's criminal accomplice. There are more but I'd like your list. Let me know and, hey,....have a Merry Christams!!! Believe! (Did you hear the bell?)


Unknown said...

Polar Express is an awesomw movie Zachary and Matthew love it. A good road trip you might want to tryout is to Great Smokey Mountain Railroad, they have a Polar Express Excursion that is awesome.

Mary Lou said...

Your #2 was my number about ELF...that's a good one...Polar Express...did not get that one....

Tote said...

We just watched Polar Express with out grand kids a couple of weeks ago and loved it! Have an awesome Christmas John~

John Shomby - a/ka "Jombi" said...

Same to you and the same to Jim.