Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Okay....someone calls you their friend......and, when they need something from you, or some help, they remind you of all the times they have helped you or been on your side. Is that really a friend?
A TRUE friend is there for you no matter what. It has nothing to do with anyone needing something. A friend is there to pick you up when you're down; to give you assistance when you could use a helping hand; to be there to celebrate your victories with you. There are no alterior motives. No needs on this friend's part. It's a simple bond of mutual love and respect that brings you together. There are no stipulations, rules, regulations or guidelines. It's unconditional and honest.
So....if that person who always expects something in return, calls you his/her friend, maybe, just maybe, they are only an acquaintance or "business associate" and nothing more. Think about it.

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