Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Best "Rules" I Know

Had to share these with you from one of my all-time idols, Vince Lombardi. Applys to all of us. Feel free to pass them on:

The Lombardi Rules

Adapted from
The Lombardi Rules: 26 lessons from Vince Lombardi

1) Ask Yourself Tough Questions
Answer the question of purpose. Am I going to let my life be controlled by the crush of daily activities or will my purpose prevail over the demands that never cease to cry for attention?

2) Expect to be Observed
Whether you like it or not, you're being watched 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. People will know who you are by what you do more than by what you say.

3) Write Your Character
The word “character” is derived from old world concepts of engraving and inscribing. Character doesn't blink. It means seeking truth, finding and keeping faith, practicing humility and showing respect and compassion for others. Learn from hardship. Identify your heroes.

4) Total Commitment
The Latin root for commitment is "to cut away from," like an incision. When you commit to something you are cutting away all your other options. 100% effort, 100% of the time is what it takes to win.

5) Work Harder than Everybody
Do more than somebody else is willing to do and you'll end up winning. "Run it again" wasn't just something I said to the team, during practice, it was the way I lived my life.

6) Be Prepared to Sacrifice
Without pain, turmoil, commotion, anxiety, stress, and tension, there is no growth, no change. You must pay the price. You've got to pay a price for anything that's worthwhile.

7) Be Mentally Tough
Be willing to hold to your goals in the face of pressure and stress. Mental toughness means seeking out the pressure that can't be avoided anyway, and being energized by it. It's not the ability to survive a failure; it's the ability to come back stronger from failure.

8)Explain the Whys
Always start with why, not how. "I never tell a player this is my way, now do it. Instead I say, this is the way we do it, and this is why we do it."

9) Act, Don't React
- Study the past, live in the present
- Continue Learning
- Seize the moment

10) Chase Perfection
You will never get there, but you'll end up with excellence because you chased it. Chasing perfection is both a necessary and frustrating part of life.

1 comment:

Billy Craig said...

Very good rules to live by.....