Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Power of the Human Spirit

I've spent the past couple of days in Nashville on business and, while here, of course, I had a chance to take a look at some of the damage from the floods of two weeks ago. There were some very sad sights - one which, particularly, struck me was seeing the side of a brick home blown out by flood waters. It looked as if it had exploded. What I also noticed were people helping each other. Neighbors helping one person with his collapsed garage. A group of folks assisting another couple with moving out some furniture.
The common theme with all of this was the fact that all of these folks were moving forward; doing what they could to make things better. You can feel it in the city from the mayor on down. Driving through most of the town, one would never know that that alot of it was under water two weeks ago. Shows you what can happen when all differences are put aside for one common good. Skin color didn't matter; religious or political persuasion was totally insignificant. No one complained about being ignored. The community has just banded together to get it done and they are.
I've seen this before right here in Suffolk two years ago and when Hurricane Isabel hit almost 7 years ago. It's the power of the human spirit.

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