Monday, June 22, 2009

Hard Evidence For The Power Of Prayer

Some of you may know promo guy, Jim, form 97.3 The Eagle. He's the tall, thin gentleman with his signature backward baseball cap. Jim is one the most efficient, caring individuals with whom I have ever worked. He always was there to help listeners, clients, staff.....anyone who needed help at a concert, event, etc. On a personal level, every time (and I mean EVERY TIME!), Jim would come back from a trip with the Disney Kids to Orlando with a little gift for our little one. Never failed. Always put himself before everyone else.
Well, this past Thursday, Jim suffered a sudden heart attack a few hours after our in studio event with The Trailer Choir. The first 24 hours were very touch and go. Just about anyone who had some contact with Jim was being kept posted and everyone, to a person, said he would be in their prayers.
Well, Friday night, things began to turn positive and by Saturday afternoon, Jim was awake and doctors were extremely optimistic. I saw the power of prayer at its best. When everyone started praying for Jim, you could feel things change for him. What a feeling! So, if you ever had doubts in your own mind, let this serve as an example!

1 comment:

JJDuling said...

Very cool hearing that story- I hear similar examples over and over again (not to mention how prayer has worked in my life). Thanks for sharing.